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CLI Options

The airdrop-tool command line has a number of useful options. You can run airdrop-tool --help to view all available options. Many of the options shown below can also be used together to the airdrop exactly the way you want.




The signer account ID that will be used to authorized to airdrop the tokens.


The path to the JSON file that contains a list of accounts and number of NFTs the account holds. The number will be used to multiply the tokens.

Each entry in the JSON file must conform to the below structure:

"account1.near": "3",
"account2.near": "1"

The file MUST be a JSON file and the file MUST be in the same format as the above example. An error will be thrown otherwise.


The amount of tokens (in atomic units, i.e. if the token has 6 decimals, and you want to send 1 token, you should use 1000000) to airdrop



The path to the directory that contains the credentials for the account specified in "accountId".

Default: ~/.near-credentials


The target network.

Default: mainnet


The directory to output the completed transfers. This directory will be used for both the completed transfers and any failed transfers.

Completed transfers will be in a file named {timestamp}-{accounts-file-name}-completed.json, and any failed transfers will be in a file named {YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS}-{accounts-file-name}-failed.json.

Default: ~/.jumpdefi


Logs extra information.